Aug 31, 2021Liked by Jonathan Slater

That sounds such hard work, cycling through that strong wind. It was a wise decision not to bother with photographs and just keep your head down. It’s always good to try something new as well, I have no Scottish connections but I love haggis. Best of luck today, well done.

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Aug 30, 2021Liked by Jonathan Slater

70 miles, wow that is a top effort Jonathan (and Dad of course)! Aviemore is a ski resort in the winter…no wonder it was all up hill! Hopefully tomorrow will see some downhill stretches as you head for the finish line

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Aug 30, 2021Liked by Jonathan Slater

70 miles is a tremendous effort well done Jonathon and brett your doing the scouts proud the finishing line is in sight remember as hard as it is and I bet you cant wait to finish.

when you get home and celebrate with your family it will dawn on you how much fun and enjoyment it actually was you'll all remember this journey for ever and the set backs and getting lost is part of life nothing ever goes to plan .Alex your boys have done exceptionally well ? Boys being your husband and son but remember they couldn't have done it without your help so it's a family effort which makes it so inspiring I cant imagine how much the trip has cost you financially as a family but I honestly believe its been money well spent its helped the scouts but the confidence it has given to Jonathan is priceless, just make sure they give you a nice treat when they get home, best wishes and hope the scout commissioner rewards you with a few badges and promotion when the Warren is refurbished.

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Aug 30, 2021Liked by Jonathan Slater

Wow Jonathan! This must be your longest ride. Such stamina and determination against the elements. As for the haggis - I may have been born in Scotland but you're more than welcome to my share. :))) X

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Wow Jonathan, I am in awe of what you and your dad have achieved. I thought you might like ti know how you inspired me to do a short train and bike ride the other day. There was one day I did not have my car and I needed to get to Dorney Common near Windsor, for a horse riding lesson. I looked up and found a route. Cycle to Ealing Broadway, get the GWR train to Taplow, then a cycle ride across Dorney Common to the stables. I haven't been able to cycle for nearly two years due to a foot injury, which is still not fixed, however, I had to try. The journey was very straight forward until reaching Taplow. I got off the train and wheeled my bike to the lift and went up to the bridge level, in order to then cross over and go down in another lift to the opposite platform to exit the station. Unfortunately, the lift doors would not open and I ended up stuck in the lift for one hour, waiting for an engineer to come and open the door. I was by then half an hour late for my riding lesson but it all ended up okay as the stables were able to let me have the full one hour lesson despite being late. I got home without any problem. Ha ha, it was a mini adventure which I am still glad I did. You never know what you can achieve until you try. Good luck to you in all you do, now and in the future.

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